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31 Optical Disc Compatibility

What is the expected compatibility for TDK Life on Record branded optical discs? TDK Life on Record branded discs may have the TDK MID or they may have one of our other manufacturer's MID. We suggest that you check the disc MID. (Refer to the separate article…

32 CDR - Application of Lacquer

My CDRs look like they have resin spilled over the outer edge. Is this normal?   Yes, lacquer covering the outer edge of the disc is normal as well as intentional.   A CDR consists of a polycarbonate substrate, dye layer , reflector layer,…

33 Optical Disc & Drive Interaction

Why Doesn’t My Drive Recognize My Discs?  Why Doesn't My Drive Recognize The Rated Speed Of My Discs?        You may encounter a problem where your drive is not recognizing the optical disc or the disc is recognized at a slower…

34 Finding the Disc ID

How do I find the Disc ID of my optical disc? The Disc ID is either inkjet stamped or laser engraved around the center hole of the disc. It contains a series of characters that are stamped on or engraved in the clear polycarbonate area. Sometimes they are…

35 External Optical Drives Connected to the Mac

My external optical drive is not showing up on my Mac. Does this mean it isn't recognized and won't work? Look in the drive manager on your system to see if the drive is showing up there. If it is showing up in the device manager but not on the desktop try…

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