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1 Drivers for Flash Devices

Are drivers available for flash drives? All Windows operating systems, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows XP and Windows 2000 have native drivers that are installed when the flash drive is connected. The devices are "plug and play." There are no support…

2 Formatting a Flash Drive on Windows

How do I format my Flash Drive in Windows? It is preferable to have the flash drive set up as a single public partition, since Windows Explorer will not recognize a password protected partition. Alternatively, it will be necessary to format the public partition,…

3 Formatting a Flash Drive

Do I need to format my Flash Drive before using it? Your Flash Drive comes formatted and ready to use right out of the box. For most of the drives we supply the default format will be FAT32, which is compatible on all Windows, Mac and Linux platforms. It…

4 Flash drive is not shown in Windows Explorer.

Why is my flash drive not showing in Windows Explorer? Several factors might cause your device to not appear in Windows Explorer. Ask yourself or your System Administrator, "What has recently changed with my computer or the environment it runs in?" Try the…

5 Changing the flash drive assignment

How do I change the drive letter for a flash drive? Use the following steps to assign a different number for a flash drive:      Click on the Start button (Search Computer on Windows 8).       Right click on the…

6 Format Compatibility between Windows and Mac OS

Is there a file format that can be used to move data between Windows and Mac operating systems via USB drives?   The highest compatibility between various operating systems is FAT32.  This format should be generally usable on all systems, Windows,…

7 Drive Letter Assignment for Flash Drives

Why don't I see a drive letter for my Flash Drive?     This problem occurs if you map a network drive to the first available drive letter following the drive letters for the local volumes and CD/DVD drives. When you install a new device or volume,…

8 Flash Drive Care and Handling

How should I care for my Flash Drive?     Take appropriate precautions with your drive, just as you would any non-portable piece of equipment. Avoid dropping the drive, getting it wet, shaking it, or storing it in very hot or cold conditions. We…

9 Flash Drive Icon

Why does no disk icon appear in Windows Explorer when connecting a flash drive? Windows Explorer has not refreshed after inserting the drive: Refresh the Windows Explorer by pressing the F5 key. Drive is not fully inserted: Remove the TDK Life On Record Flash…

10 Flash Drive Virus

Can an Flash Drive be infected with a virus?     A Flash Drive can be infected with a virus if you save a virus-infected file to the unit or it is plugged into a virus infected computer.  A virus-infected drive can then infect any other computers…

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